To break anothers balls; annoy someone; being difficult
Why you staunching for Tasi?
by sdej October 15, 2007
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A type of athletic "rugby-type" build.
My mate hunt-boy aint fat, he's fuckin staunch!
by Chris "The Filth" December 4, 2003
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An alcoholic drink which consists of a hot pint glass fresh out of the dishwasher (or run under the water of a sink at its hottest setting) filled to the brim with rack/well gin, and consumed as a shot.
"Our friend said he'd have a shot of anything - so we conspired with the bartender to fix him up with a Staunch Ballbag"

"Holy shit, Josh drank a whole Staunch Ballbag - he's going to die"
by stankybferrigno October 18, 2012
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Staunch Cunt: to be built or tough or generally a hardcore cunt
i went at him and knocked him down like a staunch cunt
by Bevdogg May 23, 2011
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A staunch god is a person or living being from Australia and more generally Sydney that thinks they are the biggest eshay that ever lived. However, everyone knows that real staunch gods are pelicans.
Get the fuck way from me I'm a fuckin staunch god you peasant
by MEEEEMES July 25, 2018
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A staunch cunt is any hardcore dude who walks like hes got a pole up his ass and like his lat muscles are way bigger than what they are so his arms stick out to the side unnaturally. This kind of cunt never smiles, and has no sense of humor, he will attempt to stare anyone and everyone down and is usually ugly and dumb as fuck and was abused as a kid thats why he's mad at the world. A staunch cunt is one of the last remaining cunts who think they are tough by smoking cigarettes.
"Here comes that fucking ugly staunch cunt again"

"Doyle is such a staunch cunt even though you could knock is stupid ginger arse flat with one punch"

"Stop being such a staunch cunt and smile for once you stupid fuck"
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muscles not in proportion to the body
Miguel Cabalag is staunch
by nonameneeded August 26, 2004
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