Somebody who is greater than or equal to GEEZUS
Chuck norris is a Sad Snax
by SAD SNAX November 27, 2010
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A hell of a good time with friends, pretty girls, and snacks and juice
yo peter come over for some snax and juse
by Tarp Flarp Master February 27, 2017
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an amateur free style rapper with the nickname he came up with. usually talks in the third person and spends 100% of his time with dom. thus spawned the nickname snom. well known for the snax look where he tilts his head at a 45 degree angle while keeping his eyes level. you can find him room with shafreezy or turtle. former lancaster hall resident
Joey Snax: "AY YO SNAX!"
Someone else: "AY YO SNAX!"
by Shake and Blake December 2, 2009
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