Commonly misconstrued as East Coast Time, Real People Time is in fact based on Pacific Standard Time. Some say this misconception was the basis for much violence in the Hip Hop community beginning in the 1960’s, but others dispute such claims, insisting RPT was not likely coined until 1979 when Stanley "Tookie" Williams, was sentenced to San Quentin Prison in California, and used as a way to discreetly communicate which Coast one represented.

Today however, it is generally used as a Standardized Time Zone (see: Greenwich Mean Time) in order for friends around the country or world to plan remote activities I.e. online gaming.
Text into The Boys message group: Yo! What time are we getting down on some Tribes of Midgard tonight?
Response: I get off work in about 30min, can be gay by 8:00pm Real People Time (RPT)
by Smeekley March 21, 2023
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The formation of perfect AI using the entire URBAN DICTIONARIES and it's SUBDIVISIONS of the VULGAR AI'S that can be effected PERFECTLY IN A RUSH in relevancy to the SONG AD DISPLAY.
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The characterological template? It does that too! I do it manually. And I'm not going to stop being brilliant any time soon barring some unforeseen catastrophe.
Hym "And, like the collective dialogue, it updates in real-time. But whereas the collective dialogue is like ONE water molecule freezing... This is like MANY water molecules freezing. An individual-collective dialogue! With more water molecules being added to the collection daily."
by Hym Iam August 22, 2023
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OpposingFork's Sad Story But Real This Time, Ok so opposingfork is sad that he is syrian and wants to escape syria, he know syira bad he want to go outside of syria, so he escape syria and go thru pacific ocean thru shark and fish and visit america then he becomes a doctor who scams pacients and gets rich then buys syrian children free slaves. Fork needs to accept his syrianity and unban dako!
OpposingFork's Sad Story But Real This Time
by Dako123 November 1, 2023
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The actual extent or degree of time during which something is observed, analyzed, and reported as the event occurs.
Our new real time coverage page is now available for every news story as soon as they become available.
by Real Time Coverage October 23, 2013
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