A phrase that's usually used in the context of describing ones lips, or to describe kissing.
Mostly has an adjective like "Savory" or "Ashy" in front of it.

"You made out with him?!"

"He had very ashy lippy lippers, do not recommend!"
by PROMISEDFORTUNE April 24, 2023
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Smooth lippies / Slippies / S-lippys.

first coined by the BiG. P (the Pat man) Diddy To discribe head jobs.

Verb: The act of giving oral sex to a male. A female will fold her lips over her teeth to make her mouth more "smooth" This reduces the chance of injury to said male.
Ohh man she would give some wicked slippies.

The girl is on the rag so I can only cop smooth lippies this week.

She needs to suck a dick. Some Smooth lippies would ease her stress
by Barrett700 November 20, 2010
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(1) A cheeky bastard with too much to say for themselves. See also 'gob shite'

(2) Vagina with over developed beef curtains.
"Is it your round Bazza?"
"Fuck off you lippy cunt."

"Check out the gash on that. That's some lippy cunt."
by Nick T W February 5, 2008
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A hoe with a sexually transmitted disease that makes her lip big
Damn, that hoe has got some lippy

That sure is a lippy hoe
by Justin Squires November 11, 2006
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When you are having a good old snog and ones snot runs onto the lips and into the mouth of another.
Phoebe: Sophie I heard you went round to Ash's yesterday afternoon?
Sophie: Yes Pheebs, I am so embarrassed. When we kissed my nose started gushing, I think I got a cold from when I shared my Olbos oil sniffer with that guy Karl from the bus station.
Phoebe: Oh don't worry Soph, that's just a gloggy lippy, I do it all the time.
Sophie: Oh phew, because it was the best kiss I ever had.

by wizzasaurus September 18, 2018
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similar to a 'taki layon' but the scent is rubbed on the victims lips. Best results are usually when the victim can taste the fun!
by Bitty Crew Member May 31, 2009
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tom tucker: «you know his type, they’re all guilty»
mort goldman: «well, what type is that?»
tom tucker: «hes one of them plain lippys, you know no moustache like a normal person. prancing around with his naked lip for all the world to see.»
peter griffin: «sir! you are talking to a plain lippy»
by TheStonkSlayer October 12, 2023
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