An alien in the game Natural Selection. Can be rather irritating if you are on the opposing team of it. Has the ability to spit loogies of death, heal teamates and structures of it's kind, shoot out sacs filled with bile, and spin webs to catch intruders. not very capable at combat, Gorges are more adept to build and heal.
Somebody kill the damn Gorge healing their hive!
by Macman March 26, 2005
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When you have a big cut and blood is coming out fast.
My arm is gorging with blood
by Jjthesquid February 14, 2019
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A large man with big ears and a tail. Many of them are vegetarians, if you ever come across one that's a carnivore he might eat you. So be carful.
That guy has ears like gorg.
by Ferret squad March 14, 2017
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This word is used when referring to an evil duck who kills people for fun.
"Were you the one who killed old Mrs. Campbell?"
"No, that was just Gorge."
by paprikapickles February 15, 2020
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Ghetto part of victoria
alot of crime and gangsters
"Im from gorge, the ghetto'est place around"
"You gorge punk"
"Steven is from the gorge"
by christopher markson November 3, 2006
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A large muppet on the Fraggle Rock tv show. Also a dance preformed in summer camps with shameless counslers.
"Denise, I will only make an ass out of myslef if the kids don't show up."
by AliceIn Wonderland September 19, 2003
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