When someone completely fucks up, so mas say this, imitating a retarded personn
"You come home and see your friend missing a hand, and next to him is a cheese-grater. On the other side of him is a pile of shredded flesh. You may then say 'Nice job, DURP DURP!' "
by Caelocanth March 22, 2010
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Kid 2: It's not durp, it's derp. You're a derp.
by Derpasaurusrex November 5, 2010
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Durp is commonly used as a way to greet a companion, usually when entering a room. Durp is the natural progression from other such greetings (see below). Also it can be said in approval of an opinion or statement or when showing off about something.
What is up? -> What's up? -> Wassup? -> Waddup? -> Sup? -> Durp?
1) Guy 1 *enters room*: DURP?
Guy 2: DURP!!

2) Guy 1: Lord of the Rings is epic
Guy 2: Durp.

3) Guy 1: Just completed Angry Birds and got 3 stars on every level, DURP?!
by Jimmony6 May 12, 2011
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An expression usually meaning "Duh" or "Dur" Or to be Politically Correct "Of course, you effing idiot!" usually followed by a smack. Sometimes used as a filler word, usually giving or taking a "be" as a pre-fix or "adurp" as an add-on.
Idiot: "hey dude, I think he's dead..."
Normal Guy: "Durp, you fuckin' retard! Now Help Me With The Body, before my parents get home."
by RandomPanzy August 13, 2005
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To say that meetings occur in meeting houses is a durpe.
by Gasinine.webs.com October 23, 2010
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The word that describes someone when they have no brain in their head. No thoughts of importance, pretty much just a big Dumbass!
That kid is such a durp!

I am surrounded by so many durps in this town!
by Talberto October 27, 2004
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he split his pants when he bent over and you could see he was wearing blue durps
by mojo_type August 5, 2008
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