"dog water" is basically "trash" in gamers' language.
the word "dog water" can be commonly found in online pvp games such as roblox pvp games or minecraft pvp servers.
most of people get annoyed by this word, better if u dont say it, u can be judged as toxic.
SupaDupaPro45: LMAO ur dog water, so bad
NewGuy12: Sorry, idk how to play well...
RandomPlayer: bro why so toxic
by JustSomeJoJoFan May 8, 2021
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Stillhouse liquor
Got a fifth of dog water on me right now!!!
by Thetruef November 10, 2019
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Your so dog water my guy your so lost get better get better zero iq you live in your mums basement no earrings so trash throw your console away my dog is better it’s obvious your just blind get better I swear my mums better your 30 years no life no no life get a life get a job stop playing kids games get married get married go make money literally dog shit
Dog water
by Christian mix March 1, 2021
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“Damn Daquan, You’se Dog water at Roblox.”
by BiggieCheeseDrip69 February 7, 2021
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It's basically calling somebody bad at the video game but inside of calling them dog shit they call them dog water-
by chickennoodlewater March 10, 2021
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Something 5 grade boys say. Basically means trash, and if you say it, you sound really stupid. Has been said to my face.
Idiot: You are dog water
Me: sigh
by ImJustAsDumbAsEverybodyElse April 19, 2021
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