1: Someone who at first glance is so gorgeous, it is hard to look away. So you look on which makes your heart beat faster and then time slows. Your heart follows slowing while thumping louder and louder. Then you open one eye then the next the doctor turns to your girlfriend and says he's fine. 50 years later you tell your grandkids the day you actually saw someone so fine you almost dropped dead.
2: Victoria Jennings
She was so drop dead gorgeous i thought i would faint!
by hehezach March 2, 2011
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A woman (or sometimes man) who is so attractive that your eyes start to bleed, then your lungs collapse, and then your heart stops.
*Beautiful woman walking down the street*
Man1: Oh, wow! She's so gorgeous! *Falls and dies*
Beautiful woman: Damn! Second time today!

Drop Dead Gorgeous! =
by KissingKaylee May 5, 2010
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a movie made in the mid-ninties of epic crapiness. the movie consists of creepy antics from a british child molestor.
man that movie sucked. it was almost as bad as drop dead fred
by Swedish Bob September 1, 2006
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On December 4th DROP DEAD at 2:00pm tomorrow even in lessons and don’t talk ormove for 2 and a half minutes straight...Confusing the s**t out of the Teachers 😂
Teacher: Can someone read out question 3 on the extract from Macbeth
Students are silent
Teacher: HeLlO!?!?
2 mins later
Student: Do two PETEZD Paragraphs on the extract from Macbeth given to you

Drop Dead @ 2- Be silent at 2
by Mad definitions for y’all December 3, 2019
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the act of ringing somebodys door bell and running (this refers to the british term)
"go ring her door bell jimmy"
"no i dont like to drop dead ginger people"
by michael barney October 5, 2008
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