when you get really pissed off at someone and put swear words together to make an insult that doesn't make much sense
dickhead: oi! i slept with your mum last night

you: fucking motherfucking shit dick cunt fuck face!

dickhead: what?

you: never mind
by pioneer2108 December 29, 2011
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Someone who's fucked in the head, but they're still an all round mad cunt
Shazza: Fuck mate, Gazza's a fucked cunt, I heard he raped a cat once. because it looked at him funny.

Bazza: He's still a mad cunt though aye.
by FUKNSTRAYA September 4, 2015
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A definition used by the now enlightened older generation said commonly to Anyone born in or beyond 2000, who thinks they understand the world, and continues to celebrate moronic shit that will get them more fucked in this world.
EG: these drugs are great Im glad we all put in and spent our whole centrelink on them.... they should last atleast 12 hours. ..; She was so out of it that the only way she could say yes was by waving with one hand and a sour look and a tear..so we were gentle when we took turns... :she loves me.. she said so right after she wiped those guys cum off her chin and came knocking on the door because they wouldnt look after her .. :::: Those fucking dog cunt coppers got me again without a license drunk.. i misssed that bitch and her kid .. fucking cunts.. the're fucked. I tried to submit this ..and stupid errors came up.. the explination was fucking vague as fuck.. "i said.. " you cunts are fucked"
by UCUNTSRFKD January 13, 2018
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a statement used when something takes you by surprise and pisses you off at the same time usually followed by absconding the person who offended you.
on the subject of a man sampling his own fluid:

Steve: Dude, its not gay if its your own.

Bill: What in Fuck's Cunt are you talking about??? Get out of my house!!!!!
by King Leper September 22, 2010
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compliment for a cunt and still being derogative
Billy: My ex-girlfriend is a cunt
Bob: If she was a Fucking Cunt then she would be worth something.
by MARK CHRISTENSEN October 7, 2007
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An Australian term giving to a person or persons who are very ordinary people- often the worst type of person times that by 1000. Even bigger cunt than Kyle Sandilands.
This term is often quite offensive but if said at the appropriate time, such as when you are referring to a certain Melbourne University's hockey players, it is deemed as befitting language, even around priests and young children.
Player One: Geez that team were a bunch of fucking cunts today.
Umpire: What do you expect, its Melbourne Uni, they are always a bunch of fucking cunts. Even bigger cunts than those UTS fucking cunts. And even bigger fucking cunts than Paris Hilton's fucking cunt.
Team Priest: Oh I've seen Night in Paris and they must be huge fucking cunts then.
Player 1: Oh big fucking cunts.
by uwa11 October 24, 2011
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