coffe day a day you only drink coffe nothing else only coffe
girl-hey it's coffe day

Boy-oh but I drank water..
girl-well then your out
by Some weird human October 8, 2021
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The mispronunciation of "cup of coffee" when you're late for work and trying to catch the subway but the barista is too busy flirting to notice you so you scream this out in your frustration.
by Paul_Revere December 12, 2021
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"Coff" used in a joke/meme context as a short form faster alternative to the full word Cough.
Barry: "Hey, I heard Jane went out with Mark"

Frank: "Really I haven't heard anything, coff coff"
by TheRockBell March 5, 2023
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it means 'fuck head'

it comes from a mix of german and south african language....sorry.....also it sounded funny
You massive fung coff
by Kangsta August 27, 2004
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a magical brown liquid, ground from bears and necessary for human life .Get me a cuppa now!
Coffe is importent to our body!
by TIMEFUSION2424 October 5, 2021
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