she’s a very freaky girl ... with a good personality overall
yea i’m in the same class as johanna
by glitgang June 2, 2020
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Johanna is the girl that doesn't really talk to people unless she knows them a bit. She's the type of girl who doesn't really care about her looks. She loves to draw, and draws in class constantly. She has a few friends who love to mess around with her, and tease her like heck. She's the type of girl no one really knows about until you know her on a deeper level, but overall, she is quite nice. Lots of people think poorly of her due to the fact that she shares her opinion openly.
"Johanna is going to get such bad grades because she draws all the time!"
"Hmm, maybe. But she has pretty lame insults you have to admit.."
"She was nice to me though, but only a few times."
"Yeah, her drawings are pretty good on a second thought."
by Koehun January 29, 2019
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she’s a one of a kind. if you ever meet her in your life take advantage cause one day she won’t be there. she’s a mean, pretty, skinny girl who seems to fit in with boys more then girls... she has gone through many things in life but could always make you laugh in a second. although she has trust issues and regrets things a lot, there’s no way you can go more then a few months talking to her. she has a very rare personality and is just a very outgoing and fun person to be around. rip 2006-
i think i have a crush on johanna
by glitgang June 2, 2020
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The most gorgeous girl in the world. Intelligent, sweet, tall, brunette, and hot, her radiant smile will make your day. Talking to her will make you happy when you are a naturally depressed person. Warning: her brown eyes will turn you to mush.
Dang, I wish I could date johanna.
by Defenitelysmitten May 29, 2020
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A lady that is lesbian chic, but still knows how to handle the D. Likely better at fixing things around the house then you. When drunk, she will draw odd things, like a Kangadillo.
Why are you drawing that Kangadillo on my penis? You are not Johanna!
by PresidentScroob December 22, 2016
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Johanna is good and beatiful people who god loves.

1:Who is this
2:This is Johanna
1:Who is Johanna
2:Ohh Johanna is the most beatiful girl and she is god favorite children in this planet.
by Kakajunn February 1, 2021
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one of the nicest, funniest, smartest and sweetest people you will ever meet! she’s super honest, loves disney and harry potter, normally brown hair. the most comforting smile ever. she’s been through a lot but she still manages to keep a smile on her face!
Person 1: That girl is sooo nice!!
Person 2: Her name is Johanna.
Person 1: That explains it!
by pxtterheadxxgachaxx March 8, 2020
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