Falk you!
by 13 March 26, 2003
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pronounced 'faulk'

To stalk on Facebook. This may be done by viewing pictures or monitoring comments. News Feed has made falking more acceptable.
Sorry I was falking you, but I saw you were planning on going to the party tonight. Do you want a ride?
by DoubleDey August 15, 2010
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A defining term for an individual that, regardless of the circumstances, always has to have some sort of impervious backup plan in place or a deep reserve of overcompensation. While the real-life equivalent is usually a doomsday prepper or somebody with a tendency to cover all their bases, the online version is more equivalent to an adult version of the kid on the playground that just has to have an anti-everything shield with no consequences. Commonly draw negative attention away from themselves and their habits by constantly trying to bring up unfounded faults about other people.
Ever since somebody ended up beating him at debate club, he's ended up turning into a full-on Falke.
by Granatgevar December 30, 2020
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The Act Of Stalking Someone On Facebook.
Bob: Oh My God, I Just Looked At All Of Janes Pictures On Facebook, And She Is So HOTT!

Bill: Damn Bro, You Were just Falking Her Facebook!
by MrJoshClaps February 4, 2010
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I met this girl on the T in Boston, when I got home I falked her, now we are friends on Facebook.

facebook stalker
facebook stalking
by The FSU Boston Trip 09 October 5, 2009
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