A polite, fun and stress relieving way of saying "what the &#%@*#"
You have a cocktail party at your house and many guests are present. Someone spills a glass of red wine on your white Karastan Wool Carpet. You exclaim "what the snorf?"
by zazoo May 19, 2008
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verb. to fake snoring so that your boyfriend/spouse/significant other will think that you are asleep and therefore will no longer have to listen to his/her rambling on about his/her horrible day.
The other night she was going on and on about something and I just couldn't help it, I just had to snorf just so make her shut up!
by Rhiana October 11, 2007
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by BoiiiiguellMOOOOMOOO November 2, 2018
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An individual who puts themselves at a higher stature than they are able to maintain.

The term originated from the Second Chance Theater sketch, "Griff Banks the Sensitive Bully" in which the Andy Samberg character reefers to himself as a gaping snorf.
by Robsome February 6, 2020
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The name given to someone who boples snorfs, a Snorf Bopler.

Similar to a snoot boop.
Oh my god stop bopling that doggos snorf Erin, don’t be a Snorf Bopler.
by Snorf Bopler August 26, 2019
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This word means "kool", plain and simple. I dont know why it means kool but its does. It also means "crazy", just role with me here because people actually do say it.
Oh you think your so Snorf with your expensive girls!
by Stonehands December 8, 2006
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Snorting your own or someone else's semen out of someone's butt hole after anal sex.
Male 1: Did you hear that Lance did a jelly snorf out of his boyfriend?
Male 2: Yeah, it wasn't even his own load either.
by Chevy Mustang April 15, 2020
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