The act of defecating that brings pleasure to the actor so that he or she laughs.
Tommy: Do you know what Barry does when he's teabagging his girl?
Larry: He shits and giggles doesn't he?
by geurreiro April 29, 2007
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follows through with minimal cosequence to self
defecate ones self, then remember you borrowed your mates trousers...aka shits and giggles
by gaffs June 14, 2004
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Doing something for the buzz and excitement of it... or for the fun of it.
M: that ones a slut.. pure slut!
H: ah lad id do her for the shits n giggles!
by Fitz@urMa! October 15, 2010
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When you laugh so hard, you shit yourself. Giggle Shits (plural): When people around you discover that you've shit yourself from laughing too hard and they, in turn, shit themselves from laughing too hard at you having shit yourself.
"Quit making me laugh or I'll giggle shit myself!"
by Ted January 14, 2004
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When you start to giggle and farts creeps out.
Shawna had a bad case of the giggle shits.
by Barthamew February 20, 2018
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