A chunk of shit wrapped in foil, strategically placed to foul up someones private area.
Todd hid a shant under Bill's front seat.
by BrutalFatality January 2, 2011
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a shant is a guy who always has at least three girls after him at once.
That guy is such a pimp.

Naww man hes a shant
by nanana58965896 July 13, 2009
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1. n Alcoholic drink.
2. a Shanted, Drunk.
Are you going out on the shant tonight? (i.e. are you going out on the beer?) He was completely shanted last night? (He was very drunk). I first came across this as student slang in the late 1980s. I used it in a novel 'Fishing for Angels', which was drafted in the early 1990s and published in 1997 by Interstate in a compilation of fiction (The Casino Kid, Roger Frederick ISBN: 1 871604 03 6).The main character goes for a pizza with a girl he's just met and after a mix-up over glass sizes they both consumer 4 pints of strong lager. In the text, it is used thus:

"By the time we'd finished our second tankards of Kronenberg, I have to say I was feeling pretty merry myself. Turtle was completely shanted."

A newspaper review at the time cited the novel as a prime example of the way literature was being dumbed down by the use of slang and inproper grammar. I was well made up! :-)

by Roger Frederick April 18, 2006
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1. To lose one’s breath and/or hyperventilate due to a sudden, acute and/or painful evacuation of the colon. 2. When you are out of breath from force-dropping a deuce.
Question: “Dude, were you just doing pushups in that bathroom... cause you’re like totally out of breath and your eyes are watering?!" (Out of Breath) Answer: "No... I’m just… SHANTING… that’s all… Best not… go in there… for 20 minutes.”
by Chris-Baby May 1, 2019
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Jeans or pants that have been cut into shorts for hot weather comfort, not to be confused with Jorts (Jean Shorts) which a person buys as is
"Dude, those shants are pretty hesh, I need to cut some,"
by Metalguitarist94 September 4, 2009
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Sh(ort) (p)ants. This term may refer to any pant that has been cropped to a length that hits somewhere between the ankle and the middle of one's calf.
Flood pants, usually seen in a place where a flood is not likely. Shants are most commonly seen on middle-aged women. They may be made of linen or of a cotton blend, and they are most often white, bright pink, turquoise, or lime green in color. However, neither the color nor the material is a criterion for their categorization as shants. The length maketh the shant.

Any shants sported by a man may be referred to as "man shants" or simply shmants.
by mnh August 24, 2008
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to refer to drink usually beer
adj - Shanted
Noun - Shanting It
Hes Shanted
Lets Get The Shant In
You Shanting It Tonite?
by Ross E April 14, 2004
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