Rohan is the most intelligent evolved human who ever lived, his banter will fill your lives FOREVER.
I just met Rohan, he might as well be God.
by Rohansolo May 21, 2018
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The best most amazing person in the world. He is incredibly intelligent and awesome. He can help anyone, no one can be as good as him.
Your not Rohan
by Rohan A November 13, 2017
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usually describes an amazingly hot, intelligent, caring,kind, shy guy.has the cutest butt and the most amazinggg smile.very loving person.always puts himself last and dedicated to helping others.ultimate soulmate material

also describes the place in lord of the rings where all the frickin hot guys on horses with swords come from.
wow i think i just met my rohan.

Girl 1: that dude is sooo friggin hot!!!
Girl 2: yea he is such a Rohan
by beelo April 20, 2009
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literally god. the coolest guy ever. he has the best music, the freshest memes, and the most amazing personality. hes the glue every team needs and we're lucky to have him
Oh my Rohan!

wow i hate this team... thank god rohan is here
by rohan_is_my_dad March 19, 2019
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The king and the only king he loves ridding dinosaurs as the sun sets.
Oh look it's the Rohan
by That Faggot guy September 29, 2018
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A team player.

Someone who does what is in the best intrest of the group.
That kid just took the blame for the teacher having a nevous brakedown, he is such a rohan
by jack stack July 20, 2010
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