pop music is written by no-talent persons and sung by bitches and losers like Janet Jackson. Mostly one pop music sounds just like the others because it was written by a drunken 19 year old asstard who took a music class in high school and think's he's the next David Bowie.
I listened to pop music for 3 hours until my brain imploded because of all the stupid sound-alike music and the retarded lyrics.
by myliecyrussucks August 15, 2009
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misleading term in that it is not actually music. It is mearly the veicle derrived by the media to direct public opinion. "pop bands" such as Mcfly, Girls aloud, or the Faders have no control therefore over their shelf life.
Shame sum bands are around far too long
by bob March 28, 2005
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Pop music can be any form of music (rock, country, rap even metal) that hits the chart. But it has some requirements:
1. Have no talent
2. Repeat lyrics over and over
3. Be good looking
4. Remember to have no musical ability!
5. If you are a boy, feature half naked girls in your video
6. If you are a girl, be half naked.
7. Lyrics are whatever the public wants to listen to.
If you join the pop music industry, you'll last a few years at most.
by a_random_girl_online_duh July 28, 2015
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Simple "music" for simple people.
You can compare pop music to McDonald's. It's readily available and it's advertised everywhere, and it is definately not good for you.
by Captain Itchy Eyes October 9, 2007
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Pop music is probably the biggest waste of time this side of Rap. Mostly, the singers are stupid teens with no talent singing about love or what a great day it is. Pop artists never touch on serious or meaningful topics, as it would alienate their fanbase.
Set "Pop music was created by Satan as a way to torture human beings and drive good music FURTHER underground."
by Set Abominae March 15, 2007
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A type of music that is made popular by the screaming of teenage girls and by old men that have crushes on the teenage girls that sing it.
Oh my god, I love that Justin Timberlake he is so cool because I'm a stupid teenage girl with no taste in music.

Man, I would like to get a piece of that Britney Spears, cause I'm old and want to do stuff like that to girls that I never have chance with.
by Bobo March 9, 2004
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