See shit. Only function in life to be used to Download a new Browser & OS.
by Jesus February 7, 2005
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1. a browser based on ancient techbology

2. aside from downloading {firefox} the only thing it's good for is testing webpages
1. when was the last time they updated IE? the 30s?

2. I have to make sure my webpages work in IE because there are alot of idiots
by Chipface March 12, 2005
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Its that thing that that comes with your computer but you only use once and that one time was to go download google chrome.
Guy with google: hay i just found a file for this thing called internet explorer

Other guy with google : internet what

Guy with google: idk ima get rid of it i think its a virus
by BucketGuy June 1, 2016
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The route to hell used to install a browser,
I was using internet explorer, its this piece of crap I had to use to install Firefox from
by Lemmondoggy December 26, 2015
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A browser that is best used for downloading other browsers, such as Chrome or Firefox.
(Guy reinstalls Windows on his PC)
Guy1: I have to open Internet Explorer to redownload Chrome
Guy2: Internet Explorer is best for downloading other browsers!
Guy1: Agreed
by MrDylanyay March 24, 2017
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1) The world's worst web browser, that people with no technology knowledge (see also: n00b) use because they don't know better.

2) The web browser I'm NOT using to submit this definition. (see also: Mozilla)

3) teh suxorz
1) Dude, are you using Internet Explorer? Wow, you must LIKE spyware!
2) Inferior to Mozilla
3) Analogy- Sugar and Water:Mosquitoes::IE::Spyware
by llamapalooza87 June 21, 2004
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