Gad means to be good for one person or bad for another. or bad for both and good for both.
i cant find my cat, is that good or bad i think its gad my cats cute but her claws fucking hurt.
by jose cuervo from xbl January 22, 2011
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Morgan: Smd? :
Chris: GAD then I will :
Morgan: I shall go buy one at the pet store
by MorganG23 August 9, 2009
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Abbreviated acronym for GDGFY

"Grow a Dick and go fuck yourself!"
by darkman424 December 8, 2009
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A very coy person, one who generally tends to shy away from social encounters. Avoids other life forms.
Stranger: Hello, Gad!
Gad: (turns around and runs away)
by 0x April 3, 2006
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a really nice guy who learns machine engineering and wants to die from it. He HATES springs and screws. He loves his cats and loves cats in general. He doesn't get drunk easily. He could be a really cool guy if he would have finished Naruto Shippuden, but he doesn't want to. He loves Demon Slayer so he read the manga (doesnt spoil Gilat)
wow, Gad you didn't finish Naruto did you? cringe..
by CosEmecArs June 15, 2022
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a person who is different from the rest in every way.
patios: "mi a gad"
by GAD THEMSELF September 29, 2020
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Acronym which stands for Girls Are Dumb. It refers to the inherent lack of intelligence girls exhibit on a regular basis that guys are (for the most part) immune to.
Like the expletive "fuck" and other words, GAD can be used as many parts of speech.

Noun: "Mary drove 2 hours in the wrong direction before realizing it. What a gad."
Verb: "Dude, you're being illogical. Stop gadding it up."
Adjective: "This TV show sucks, it's real gaddy."
Expletive: "My sister can't figure out how to turn the TV on with the sound system. GAD!"
by Kevin McCormick September 18, 2006
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