Damn, I got killed by that furry bitch foxy on night 4
by hentaiicetea July 14, 2019
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The bitch who doesn't let you win fnaf
(Five nights at freddys)
*Me play fnaf*
*Foxy pops out of no where*
*Me* "BITCH! "
by Shesbored34 August 21, 2018
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Some chick that everyone loves and wants. All guys (probably some chicks too) want a piece of Foxy...especially Zain o.O
Guys: Foxy will you marry me?

Guys: Foxy I love you.

Guys: I want you Foxy. Badly!

Chicks: Foxy is so lucky. I'm jealous of everything about her.
by Foxy April 9, 2004
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im trippin face off 20mgs of foxy
by t3k May 13, 2003
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is a description of sly discrete young lady's, that are on the hunt, ex: bus driver steve, alejandro,

foxy is a term that can relate to anything and anyone at any time.
perri was foxy today

emily likes those foxy treats, 15.
jason is not a fox but he thinks he is.
kristina is a dry/ sly fox.
ben is NOT a fox. NO.
bus driver steve is neither.
the end.
by bus driver steve May 11, 2010
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Someone that rages and curses
by December 11, 2020
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