a derogatory term for for anyone, stating they they have a cunt and a cock. basically a pussy with not balls. just your everyday asshole.
lando is such a cunk, he is being a dick to everyone.
by csblizzard93 November 4, 2013
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A new genre of music developed by WillB and The Bikini Black special mixing country and punk....CUNK
wow..there a real cunk band.....
they cunk those bikini boys
can it get better than this..
let's go fly a kite tonight...
by willbe July 22, 2006
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He called the cunk poop!
by 'tis January 15, 2010
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Cunt and Fuck combined together.
You are such a fucking cunk! / Randall is such a cunk for eating my chocolate ice cream sandwich, that fucking CUNKER.
by Cunk maker January 31, 2018
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squirt out that cunk before it dries!
by fufff February 12, 2007
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a mixture of the word cunt and cock.
Suck my big hairy cunk.

That person over there is a huge cunk.
by Puffs Cooks and Nucca June 22, 2009
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