A Northern Irish word which describes an oafish, unfashionable and untidy person who is also clumsy.
She's a big clart.
She's was very clarty looking.
by robotmonster August 1, 2006
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somebody who knows about the Goldie Lookin Chain (a Newport rap posse)
alright clart, what are you smoking?
by Jonny Weldon March 3, 2004
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When you wet fart so agregiosly that it makes your butt cheeks clap together.
“Last night I clarted on Kevin’s thigh.”
by Mottstravaganza January 17, 2018
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used the same as "shit" or "crap"
there's horse clart everywhere!
by CupcakeDemon July 1, 2011
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Geordie word for 'dirt'.
Howay man, stop fannyin' aboot in tha' clarts. You'll end up hacky black, man!
by Jon Sillito August 10, 2004
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"She clarted and it looked like a crime scene in her panties."
by Hanna Carlson April 30, 2014
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1. verb, meaning to strike/hit/whack/beat.
2. verb, meaning beat as in win/be victorious.
1. "move from me, before i fuckin clart you, you prik."
2. "scotland got clarted by brazil, blud."
by dr3ad June 2, 2005
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