Someone who screws their coworkers at P&G
That process leader is a real Blue Falcon. He gives me all the shitty jobs and just stands around and kisses ass!
by Rocko1 May 16, 2009
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Generally a word used in the military. In the military alphabet B=Bravo, F=Falcon. Buddy Fucker is the original phrase, Blue Falcon is more politically correct.
" I had plans to go to the coast for vacation with Randy, he asked me like 4 different times and I'm in school." " I finally got approval with my teachers and my job, and at the last minute, he said he couldn't make it." "Randy Blue Falconed me big time!"
by kanas sucks March 6, 2010
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A bastardization of two contradictory terms. True Blue is a dated naval/sailing term meaning honest and loyal to a unit or cause. Blue Falcon is used in the modern Army to designate a "Buddy F**ker", that is someone who is not a team player and displays no unit loyalty. Implies a more negative meaning when the terms are put together in this way: True(as in real,bigtime) Buddy F**ker.
Seaman Smith is True Blue. He took a cannonball to the testicles but still managed to crack a smile when the Queens knickers caught fire.

Private Tickle is a Blue Falcon. He ate a piece of pie at dinner chow and the drill seargent smoked the whole platoon.

Private Englund is a True Blue Falcon. She f**ked her country.
by Ross Fredenhagen November 8, 2005
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Somebody with a really small penis and also gets really salty whenever something doesn't go their way.
Hey dude do you think Blue Falcon Wings has a small peepee? YEAH DUDE
by I like sweetcorn -_- August 24, 2020
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The Best Softball team of all time...based in Savannah GA! Who always lose
Hey guys the Blue falcons lost 21 to 1 they ROCK!!!
by chris charette April 2, 2005
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A person who is morbidly obese and Lazy with all the characteristics of a normal Blue Falcon.

These characteristics include but are not limited too immediately telling supervisors on a co- worker. Attempting to self inflate their actions to make them appear useful. Often times stretching the truth and embellishing to provide an excuse as to why they were being a fat lazy bitch.
As we were having our monthly staff meeting , the topic came up of Dennis reporting unnecessary events to the supervisor. The supervisor then stated Dennis is a Big Blue Falcon who can’t fly.
by Jimmy Drangus May 8, 2022
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The term "true blue falcon" is basically used in the military. Mainly when an ally saves another ally.
by Jon Dillinger March 3, 2005
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