This is a variant of boredom word that few people find, where one goes into the numbers and punctuation section of an iOS keyboard and types them out in order.
Guy 1:"Do you know any new boredom words?"
Guy 2:"There's qwerty.
Guy 1:"Done it."
Guy 2:"Qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm?"
Guy 1:"Done it."
Guy 2:"hmm..., How about 1234567890-/:;()£&@.,?!'"?"
Guy 1:"Oh! That's new! I'll try it!"
'Sees this
by The trend follower November 24, 2017
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All the numbers the world has so far. Why did you search this?
Person: hey. What are the numbers again?
Person 2:dude. It's 1234567890. How do you not know that? *shakes head*
by The meme boi January 24, 2020
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If you are looking at this right now, you must have run your fingers down the keyboard numbers because you were bored. But now you are not bored.
I ran my fingers down the keyboard 1234567890 to see what would pop up
by tacocat+tacocat=tacocat March 27, 2019
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the amount of boredom it takes to do this is serious levels.
(friend) yo wyd?


(friend) danm bro you that bored good luck Lmao.
by milkymomma123 April 4, 2022
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You have literally pressed every key on the keyboard and you are bored.
Why you little `1234567890-ASDFGHJKL;'
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You have tried every thing..... Then you think, ‘ Yay! That’s it I’ll type 1234567890-/:;()$&@“.,?!’qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm!’
Hmm... I’m sooooo bored..... Wait a second! I’ll type 1234567890-/:;()$&@“.,?!’qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm! Yay!
by HannahT.❤️ April 14, 2019
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