Abbreviation of "As Fuck" be sure to use an apostrophe because you'll confuse people whose initials are A.F.
Guy 1: You're sleep af

Girl 1: is that as Fuck or are you using my initials ?
Guy 1: As Fuck why would I use your initials stupid girl.
by nonewfriendsnononoo June 25, 2014
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A term that is annoyingly overused by some white kid probably named Isaac and means as fu*k
"Isaac how are you today"
"I'm lit AF"
"We get it Isaac, you're white"
"Ok AF, I'll stop AF"
by Lit midget af August 2, 2017
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af commonly refers to as ferret, and sometimes awesome fam.
This chat was lit af (as ferret )last night!
by xplotiavos August 8, 2016
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Often misinterpreted as a vulgar expression, this acronym stands for "Awesome Food".
by DefinitelyNotKyleG March 16, 2018
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As Fuck:
Used when trying to emphasize how much something was, and is.
"She crazy AF."

"Her Vag wet AF!"
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You work in the AF?
by Shfjensls September 19, 2018
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AFE: Acronym (Attractive Female Entities). Used to describe female entities which posses a level of attraction that can produce arrousal of the male (and sometimes female) gender.
Hey man let's go find us some fuckin AFE's.
by adag_dode October 12, 2009
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