A person who rats another person out to a higher authority without a good reason to make themselves feel superior or to make themselves out to be a more "morally aware"
The Crew: Fuck yea, we all got straight A's! Lets get drunk and celebrate!

Brandon: I cant believe you guys did that, by the way I told my dad, he's a cop.

The Crew: What a fag, he fucking snitched on us
by Brandons a fag October 3, 2008
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Someone who rat on others!
A: Boi, how could u get caught?
B: Man, I got snitched by a bitch called Fiona!
A: Bitch fucked u up big time!
by pooorass March 23, 2009
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A snitch is a mutha fucka that cant get along with his own goddamn self, and hes a loser ass bastard and hes tellin on everyone else to save his own goddamn ass.
He had the drugs but he still snitched on me because hes a loser.
by Tommy Steckler December 20, 2005
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The worst kind of person there is. This person will act like they are your friend but only because their life is on the line. Your life doesn't matter anymore. They will pretend they are your friend because if they don't the feds will take their asses with that letter next to it. It doesn't matter what they did but they will take you down to save their crackhead asses from the dumb ass crime they committed just so they can CTR again. FUCK SNITCHES. These motherfuckers will destroy you and come back to you for a handout all in the same minute. Watch out for the snitches.
by SNITCHES EATCOCK June 6, 2010
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persons that report the illegal activities of other persons to the authorities, causing them disfavor in the eyes of those persons and their friends and pretty much anyone else whos not an asshole
ima fuck up those snitches that called the 5-0 when we were candyflippin at that party
by risewiththesmoke February 12, 2009
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A tiny golden ball with wings in a quidditch game. It is the seekers position to catch the snitch and win 150 quidditch points.
He caught the snitch! 150 points awarded to Slytherin!
by Silver Pennington July 17, 2009
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Master Onion: Kick! Punch! We don't have much time! If you don't squeal you're gonna serve a dime. I'm fine either way, 'cause I still get paid. But, listen to a teacher this should be your next play. Now Snitch!

PaRappa: Snitch?

Master Onion: Rat! Rat!

PaRappa: Rat? Rat?

Master Onion: Snitch! Snitch! Rat!

PaRappa: Snitch? Snitch? Rat?

Master Onion: Rat! Rat! Snitch!

PaRappa: Rat? Rat? Snitch?

Master Onion: Don't be a hero when you could serve zero. Or do you want to shower with some butch bull weirdo?

*horns play and camera nears PaRappa*

PaRappa: I may be a rapper, but I can't take this rap. I wasn't driving the car, I was chilling in the back. It was King Kong Mushi with the stuff behind the wheel. If it keeps my culo safe you bet your butt I'm gonna squeal!

Lawyer: This is observe! He was thrown of his scence!

Master Onion: Your honor, I'm prepared to plea an agreement.

PaRappa: It can't be a crime just to kick a dope rhyme.

Judge: Good point talking dog, your free without serving time!

PaRappa: Yeah! You gotta believe!

(scene from Robot Chicken Season 4 Episode 1)
by PaRappatheRappa1995 November 15, 2009
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