'Pwned' a phrase founded by anonymous official. Meaning you were fully hacked and they are in full control. By J
by Pwnmachine June 26, 2020
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-noun the total domination or shutdown of a person, place or thing.
P1: Hey Lou!
P@:Hey! *slapz him in the face*

by 2skool4kool April 18, 2011
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A mixture of the words punked and owned. Probably derived from some lame ass douche bag on the Internet or WOWC.
by (Alejandro) June 7, 2015
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Pistol owned

When the pistol was first invented, many who owned a pistol said then "pwners" because they owned a pistol.

Many pwners today began to play a popular video game called counterstrike. When they "owned" someone with a pistol it was said that they have been pistol owned our for short pwned.
I pwned you with that my Desert Eagle, buddy.
by kneight July 13, 2008
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To be completely and totally dominated by an outside person/influence to the point of not even being able to put up a resistance.
Urban dictionary has been pwned by hackers who serve up malware and redirect attacks on mobile users Willy nilly with no consequences for their actions.
by Bryan6 January 9, 2018
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In computer speak it basically means your account got hacked.
by PoopyTurd September 13, 2019
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This was created by css player breakyourface when he was typing on fps bannana to reply to bulletin insted of typing owned he typed pwned
it means to whoop someones ass in a game of some sort
i pwned that noob loving sunavha bitch
by FPS BANNANA February 26, 2008
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