Used in conjunction with "cunt cake" to describe a disgusting std ridden vagina that contains pubic lice
Dude: Man, that girl is so fine
Dude's friend: Trust me bro, you don't want that cunt cake... it comes with the creepy crawly crabs package
by thebadwrench December 20, 2017
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Cocaine that is purchased and snorted while sitting on one’s couch, widely popular in 2020 during the coronavirus lockdowns.
Friend 1: Any plans tn?

Friend 2: Prob just gonna grab beers and do couch packages by my place
by Art Corr June 6, 2020
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Toilet paper tossed over a stall wall in a public restroom.
Damn I had to ask for a toilet care package in a bar last night, it was awkward as fuck!
by killman64 September 9, 2016
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When a student who is away from home sends a care package to their mother/father/family instead of the original method of the mother/father/family sending one to them. It is usually full of goodies and/or souvenirs letting your family know that you are in fact fine and dandy whilst being away.
Andrea: I just sent my mom a reverse care package.
Mark: What was in it?
Andrea: Some candy, keychains, and a photo of me in my new apartment.
Mark: Nice. Moms love that crap!
by california.halifornia May 21, 2011
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Also known as the PP. Zacharia Buckle's male package. Something too glorious to not make eye contact with.
When Mr. Buckle walked in wearing that body suit and he was rockin the Prominent Package!
by GentleBeast27 September 1, 2015
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When you see a homie that you have not seen in awhile and you go in for pseudo hug, but one of you shifts your footing and you accidently bump your hang downs.
John sees mike..
john: hey bro
mike: sup fool!
(dudes go in for a bro hug)
Mike: damn bro, you just lost your footing and package bumped me!
john: my bad, son
by dmoney1979 August 2, 2013
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When you stuff one of your nuts in a chicks asshole, and jerk off on her back
The chick was a freak so I have her the ole platinum package. She had a gaping asshole, so stuffing a nut in there while I dumped a load on her spine was as easy as 1-2-3! Thank god she didn’t have a BM
by Drew’s McPeeonme April 2, 2018
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