Satan's day where children go knock on people's doors at night in costumes and ask for candy and then eat all of it and gets mega suger high.
Today is halloween aka the day to worship satan and eat candy
by MelonPanda January 5, 2021
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It’s a month wirer little kids drees up and steal your candy
This kid stole candy on Halloween from me
by Goaliegirlforlife October 22, 2019
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Halloween, or All Hallow's Eve, originated in the ancient Celtic festival Samhain, which means "end of summer."
According to the Encyclopedia Britannica, the souls of the dead were supposed to revisit their homes and many people believed that ghosts, witches, goblins, black cats, fairies, and demons roamed the earth.
So, in order to protect their families and livestock during the coming dark winter months, the Celts invoked the help of their gods with animal sacrifices.
Enjoy Halloween 🦇🎃👻
by ... Zjdbckdnznsjd October 31, 2019
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1. Children dressed up as random shit will roam the streets to fucking demand candy or they´ll fuck you over with toilet paper and dog shit.
2, Weird, lame ass millennials and adults will dress up as random shit and be a disappointment to their parents.
Oh shit, it's almost Halloween! I bet Susan is gonna dress up as a slutty nurse, get totally drunk and puke on herself, again!
by YoItsYourBoySkinnyPenis October 31, 2017
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Halloween is on 31st of October. Normally children dress up and trick or treat. Halloween is also known as All-Hallows-Eve or El Dia De Los Muertos.
Karen: “It’s Halloween today Joe!”
Joe: “Oh, is it
by Hannah McCay October 28, 2019
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A festival celebrated on the 31st of November which is created by the Irish people to scare monsters away.
In Halloween you trick or treat. You knock on someone’s door and they’ll open the door and give you sweets or chocolate or even money. You have have to dress up in a scary costume tho.
What are you going to dress up in Halloween?”sad Jack

“It’s HALLOWEEN!” Said Holly
by Elemental November 3, 2018
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The one day a year that diabetes is free and you can stuff your butt with every ounce of it.
Joe: Hey did you hear that it’s Halloween
Karen: Yeah I bought extra toilet paper
Joe: And I don’t need to pay for diabetes!
Karen: I bet all the doctors are going to have tons of patients with constipation and diabetes

Joe: I should be a doctor then I can tell them to bring me my money
by Joesmother October 27, 2019
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