Having performed a task the task was not done properly.
Could you modify some files for me?


Files are returned ruined.

The files were choppered up.
by Paul Newman 9991 October 6, 2005
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Fun to ride, but u don't want to show her to your friends. You do anyway because you think she is cool and they don't.

See also Moped
by J-law March 11, 2005
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A world-renowned magnificent sex act.

Tie your sexual partner, man or woman, to the ceiling using a slip knot. Make sure you use the correct technique during this step, so that the anus (or vagina) is perfectly in line with the man’s erect penis. When the time is right, use a specialized pair of enlonged gardening plyers to snip the rope fastened to the ceiling, thus creating a chain reaction. The man or woman from the ceiling will then come bombarding from above, and if the first step is performed to a tee, the anus will land perfectly onto the penile organ like a horseshoe. WARNING: If done without absolute presicion, this can be fatal to both partners. However, with high risk comes high reward. If this is completed flawlessly, the sensation of both partners will never be topped.
Oh man, you won’t believe me, but I actually got the Boston Chopper last night! Felt so good I thanked her father!
by not soggykickflip May 25, 2022
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Pube stuck in teeth after oral sex.
Whoa, after Gloria went down on Esmerelda, she came up with some major chopper floss.
by Mindy Mop Job August 16, 2008
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adj. when a female is on top during intercourse but because of a lacking of rhythm she folds your dick in half.
She is good in bed but I can't let her be on top cause she is a real sausage chopper.
by Super Steve May 17, 2017
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