a cleaned-up version of Jackass. To be used in the company of children, in work-related emails, or when being lazy in texting. A term of endearment
Diana: Did you just hang up on me?
Todd: No, I hit the Ignore button
Diana: JACK!!
by D2212 October 18, 2011
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Rude. Likes to fight with people. Has a heart only for his best friends.
by H&hitl June 2, 2017
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A very small and drastically curved penis usually 7 inches or less.
Girl one: "Well why did you break up with him?"

Girl two: "He had a Jack!"

Girl one: "Thats just sad..."
by STiFFBASSiST February 26, 2012
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Jack are the biggest cunts ever, no jack is cool and they have no friends and are probably adopted.
by Cuntname October 25, 2016
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A self centered jerk, is very ugly and not a very good person or friend to you. He doesn't think much of others.
Come on! Don't be a Jack!
by Lynsey Lover March 13, 2012
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A strong minded man or boy, often gymnast and a show off, dates a lot of girls, steels and brown hair. Works hard and shows off his gynastic skills
Girl: "why would i date u, u have nearly gone out with the hole school"

Boy: " i know eight im such a jack
by ~Da- banta~ June 9, 2015
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