A moral political system that fights the immoral parts of society and even outside of society.
John's political position is destructism, he doesn't like the horrid immorality of society, so there for immorality should be destroyed.
by John Vandal April 2, 2023
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Where someone, or something promotes somewhere or something to the point where scum bags find out about it and destroy / ruin it.
Guy 1: dude, i'm thinking of moving to Indianapolis i've heard its a nice place.

Guy 2: where did you see that?

Guy 1: a news article

Guy 2: don't move there now. they are committing Promotion-destruction
by Mycreativename May 7, 2013
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A mass destruction, but done by a car accident, such as crashing into a wall and breaking it, a large car accident with many vehicles involved, etc.
My mom is a genius and created a crass destruction in the parking garage.
by Billiam Beaver June 9, 2017
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A friendship between two soccer teammates where an outside friend is jealous because one of the soccer friends was talking to her ex. Refer to the definition of "ex" in the urban dictionary.
Person 1: I can't believe she's friends with her after knowing what she's done. This is a destructive friendship.
Person 2: Wait, what did she do again?
Person 1: She was talking to my ex!!!
Person 2: He wasn't your boyfriend-
by Fawthie December 24, 2021
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Fucking someone so hard you destroy their pelvis
That girl was giving me blueballs, so when she finally gave in, I carried out pelvic destruction.
by Ululu February 28, 2021
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The act of diminishing or destroying the original meaning or purpose of an entity (be it individual, location, building, group, etc) during the act of building it up (building up the image, adding to the building, adding more rules to a group, etc). Not to be confused with hype, which is the building up of expectation.
Guy 1: “Man the club used to be so fun, now its just a drag, what happened?”
Guy 2: “Destruction through construction, id say it happened when that one guy came in and added all those rules.”
by Jacob Mei April 21, 2010
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Utter and total destruction of the pubice..
Gave that the girl the pubical destruction! She couldn’t walk right the next day..
by Ballz McSak March 5, 2022
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