The sentence you plea down when you turn on your crew or turn states!
Oh, I see your new ankle bracelet! Nice, doing House Arrest I take it. Sucks to be you tho when your boys get out! Nice knowing ya!
by RickyBigDick May 4, 2021
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A place of business that would be out of business if there were no more police officers in the world.
When the shopkeeper was being robbed,he ran to the donut house for assistance.
by Anonymous May 8, 2004
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Where friends go to chill together at a run down house.
“Are you going to the Gangs House??”
“You mean the place where we all chill together???”
Yes sir.”
You already know I’m there.”
by lakalakalake June 29, 2023
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When one seeks penis/vagina outside their immediate household
It’s fine, I don’t need you I’ll just go get some out of house pussy
by Hish fucks 97 May 17, 2021
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An exclamation, describing dissatisfaction, confusion or otherwise bewilderment with current situation/problem.

May be found in Caryll Churchill's 'Love and Information'
You are taking a test, finding a question hard to understand, one could state "that's a real mental take a house"
by Infolover69 September 11, 2021
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The great not-so-democratic country producing the best convoluted lye-treated dough product ever seen to mankind.

Major political and military power in parts of germany.

Pretzels are not to be ingested.
The Pretzel House Republic took over the whole country of Austria.

North Korea is sympathizing with the Pretzel House Republic for their huge supply of weaponized Pretzels.
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