Someone who has not read through the X-Men comic series.
"Man... Damion is such a Normie. They don't even know who the Juggernaut of X-Men comics fame is."
by NumberoneJuggernautfan#1 March 2, 2021
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A human but in the Monster High world
When you turn the music off Holt Hyde turns into a normie
by Oof.itz.totally.Scarah January 26, 2022
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a normie is a person, who thinks memes are just white text on top and on bottom. If a meme has white text on top and bottom its a normie meme. If a person doesnt understand a dank meme, he is a normie.
He watches "Behind the meme, so he is a normie
by Amord January 22, 2018
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Term used by sex workers, to describe people outside of the industry.
She was nice, but sex with normies is way too vanilla.
by Nick Riley December 15, 2021
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A derogatory term used by differently capable people to describe an able bodied person or someone without a disability.
Normies are so annoying when they don't see differently abled people as capable of doing things.
by Part time ninja October 13, 2020
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A person who try to be Dank but can't, just like Elias, who belives his humor is unique and special but its actually weird.
Normies typically have a sense of cultural superiority over "counter culture" movements & foreign cultures. They will often try to discredit out cultures or choices falling outside of their majority think claiming those of other dispositions are mentally ill or out of touch with reality.
e.g.: Elias is a normie-wannbe-dank boy:

Elias: Hey look at this meme, haha
Friend: so what? is this supossed to make me laugh?
Elias: yeah, its a dank meme! but you didn't get it, fuck you, bitch
by jokmñ May 9, 2020
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