A term used to threaten a family member into giving you what you want immediately.
Brother: Yo, sis, give me your wages or your getting fkin incested tonight.

Sister: ‘scared’ : ok ok not again, i dont need a sore arse for a week bro.. “*hands-over wages**
by JuiceyPapoosey May 12, 2023
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When two people in the same section in marching band get into a relationship.
Did you hear that those two trumpets are dating
Dang man that’s some section incest
by martha56 November 30, 2019
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The Incest Rule, also known as Rule 999, requires you to have sex with your close relatives at any time possible.
"My cousin is coming over tomorrow."
"The Incest Rule?"
"You're dead to me."
by AnonLollipop August 17, 2016
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Screwing a family member on a financial transaction.
He paid his sister so far below market value on that property that it was economic incest.
by ThorMonster December 28, 2016
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When two people of the same family decide to have sex and mix together their blood or cum.
by Thegirlfool22 June 18, 2019
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When your big fat aunt named Allen becomes insanely obsessed with spying on her Nephew and his wife, as they perform the amazing piss tornado twice a day . Sometimes she puffs out her boobs and grunts after belching a load of dog jizz down her chin like its an act of dominance, AWWW Bless her lil heart she's got the IQ of a wolf rat banned from the city.
Daughter: Hey MOM Look at that disgusting fat sperm whale taking a shit in the pool.
Mom: Thats Incest Allen your Aunt, wait till you see her pissed off drunk on a bass boat with no Rottweiler jizz to drink.
Daughter : Gross . Ill never eat hot dogs again.. MOM She scares me..Can we go skate park instead?
by Allstatepolesmoker June 10, 2022
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when a friend has started dating his friend ex whilst staying in the friend group as everyone involved, this also includes people in the group that like other people in the same group but are friends with the other ex. Breaking the bro code simultaneously.
steve goes out for Lara for about a month but it didn't work out, after a few weeks Lara goes out with bob, committing group incest but not severely. However, as they were dating steve was simping for Lara clearly prioritising plans with her above everyone else clearly committing group incest. All in all this situation wouldn't happen if the group would not commit group incest.
by @annonymous123 December 27, 2021
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