A word so god-awful that is the equivalent of doing a solute to Hitler in Thanos’s gauntlet during the national anthem at your Purple Heart veteran grandfather’s funeral on the Jewish half of the family next to the Holocaust Museum
Josh - Your not even cool kid
Greg - hEcK
Josh - * crying while rocking in a corner due to his permanent emotional trauma
by MegaJew3.0 April 10, 2019
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Slightly less worse than Hell
A place where people that did slightly bad things go to
Instead of Cerebus, a smaller dog with 2 heads guards the gates to Heck
p1: I heard that there's a place better than hell.
p2: What place is it? Heaven?
p1: No, it's Heck.
by SaltyNuggets September 5, 2019
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A word used to display anger to the highest magnitude. It is a word to replace both hell and F***. Only to be used in the most dire of situations. Also can be used in forms of hecking, hecker, and hecked.
“What the heck??, You stole my girlfriend??”

Heck you, you’re a hecking gay person
by Dr Concocter April 4, 2019
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a heck is a person that is male and cocky
wow, that kids a heck
by blurpyfarts rule March 5, 2021
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Heck is just a combination of hell and fuck

This word is typically used by all the zoomers
by Grandma Carol Smith November 22, 2019
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this is one of the worst swear words that WILL get you grounded and expelled. If you say this unholy word god will banish you from heaven.
Jim: "Heck you Bob"
God: "Nibba you better take that back"
Jim: "no"

God: "begone"
Bob: *looks at Jim get fucking obliterated*
by 5JB May 3, 2018
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