A marketing strategy to garner more publicity from cancellation of a product or feature, than through traditional methods such as an award or introducing something new.
There's no marketing budget this year, so we used a Cancellation Gambit to get some free PR by news outlets.
by omnix November 3, 2022
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The first cancelled day of a school district brought on at the first sight of snow simply because the teachers don't feel like going to work. This most commonly occurs on a Monday, maximizing the chance of every staff member being hung over.
1: Fuck yeah, school's cancelled and there's absolutely no snow on the ground!

2: Must have been a premature cancellation.
by PloskJ January 11, 2012
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Literally a notebook of cancellation; anyone whose name is written shall be cancelled. It is the weapon which almost every Twitter user wishes to have; the equivalent of Kira from Death Note but on Twitter.
Since he has the cancel note, none of us are safe to post our opinions.
by Light Yagami aka Kira May 29, 2023
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A system in any work place where promotion or transfer is prevented by Human Resources or a Manager due to the politically incorrect standing of an employee or due to other factors such as age discrimination). The one being shadow cancelled does not know this is taking place to undermine their professional career.
My boss and director recommended my for promotion, but HR vetoed it-I'm sure it is due to me being shadow cancelled so I can't advance.
by Cuivre2004 July 18, 2022
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By showing this definition to anyone, they are no longer allowed to perform any action required by any date recognized by Urban Dictionary on the user. Violators may be charged with assault.
Sapphire: I heard today is National Sex Da-
Cyan: Nope. *shows this definition*

Day cancellation.
by Blues and Dumbness October 21, 2019
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You need to find out who's buying up all these cancelled people and paying them to say all of that.
Hym "The canceled all espouse the same rhetoric. 'Spiritual war,' 'attack on our institutions,' 'protect the children,' who is paying these motherfuckers to go around and say this shit? It's Dr. Phil, Rosanne Barr, the entire non-shit-lib half of the internet is doing it. Where is that coming from? Isn't that bizarre to watch? Somebody has got to be paying them. All of these people have been canceled for some form of social impurity. All of them are people I've named. Somebody has got to be bank rolling it. They all rebrand and it's all this 'spiritual war against the woke' bullshit to pollute the political landscape and prevent actual discourse about the things that are actually happening. Like the thing that is actually happening to me. I'm going to murder a kid if I'm not provided with recourse for this. No amount of doing what you're doing is going to is going to get me to accept living like this."
by Hym Iam June 20, 2024
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"do you play cancel simulator"
"bruh imagine not being cancelled"
by povwhenthe May 9, 2021
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