A man who is so stupid they are called nick.
*stands in fire*
*healer is using healbot only*
by Nick696969 October 7, 2011
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Brit. Slang: Noun; The Arse-hole or area immediately around the Arse-hole.
"My employer put Badgers Arse Bog Roll in the Bogs at work and that stuff is so coarse it was like running a cheese-grater over me nick!"
by jayateabug March 1, 2008
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Nick has the smallest penis, and cannot cum or jizz.
His nickname is NJ (No Jizz). he is terrible at picking up cunts.
Nick - I like you.

Girl - Fuck off you cant jizz.
by Intencefence. August 13, 2011
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The biggest idiot ever to walk the earth. Sucks at everything he does and should have a reality check.
He is being such a nick today.
by mgoblue17 December 17, 2013
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The hottest man to ever walk on this earth. Always connected with the last name Jonas. A sex god, the epitome of perfection. One who has brown perfect curls that match perfectly with his brown eyes. His flawless face makes your heart melt. His style, what ever guy should strive to look like. One who likes marry girls named Natasha. Nicks are also are very kinky, and once their purity ring is gone (after marriage with Natasha) they fuck the shit out of her. They are also very smart and extremely musically talented. An awesome song writer and lyrical genius. He also tends to be very athletic and caring. Is a beast at Life. Nick, the definition on perfection.
Natasha: Oh Nick, your so amazing
Nick: You know how i do.
by la ksdhga March 21, 2009
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A funny ass, attractive youtuber/ dancer that enjoys long walks to the fridge and hours

of Netflix. He is the sweetest person you will meet and enjoys reenacting spring

breakers with his church group. He likes to turn up with Kylie Jenner and puts

on for his city like young jeezy. #tuesdays
Person 1: Damn you heard about Nick?

Person 2: Oh the funny ass youtuber?

Person 1: Yea man I heard he puts on for his city like young jeezy

Person 2: Damn I need to find me a Nick.
by Nick'sFanPage February 11, 2014
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