Cousin to the Dutch Oven, only with a Toasted Marshmallow, you load her pillow up with your anal expulsions then wait until she puts her head on it (or, you could just hold it over her face).
Dude, Melissa got quite the Toasted Marshmallow last night. I ass gassed her pillow and waited for her head to land. Totally stunk her out!
by Whacky-doodle April 25, 2018
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Roasting a marshmallow
Nobody likes telling Cindy how to do her job. "Why's Dan crying in his office?"
"I saw him roasting a marshmallow earlier and now he feels like a mushy pile of donkey shit."
"Cindy sucks."
"Ooo, burn."
by ScryBaby June 13, 2017
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A slightly chubby girl, wearing clothes far too tight. Usually short, and therefore giving the illusion of being 'squashed' like a marshmallow. Helps if she is wearing pink or white clothing.
Did you see that chick in the pink skirt? She looks like a marshmallow!
by marshmallow spotter March 25, 2010
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A female who has titts mainly because of how obese they are and their excess fat creates the illusion of valid breasts.
Matt: Hey dude, check out the titts on the new girl!
David: Man, that doesn't count, she's a marshmallow!
by thelegendarysoldier March 14, 2016
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person, often a male, that is white, pudgy, and easy to burn
John is such a marshmallow, Alexa just roasted him five times.
by DisneyHero2016 January 18, 2018
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A person or animal that is small to the point they are cute if you don’t love a marshmallow you are a sinner.
I love the marshmallow there so small and cute
by Maskman December 7, 2021
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