When someone posts something super cringe on their main account that usually wouldn't be said unless on an alt account
Your friend: Did you just post Cringe on Main
You: I forgot to switch to my alt account
by Hello internet world November 17, 2021
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kids whi need to go outside more or as i like to call it touching grass
this is cringe, gacha cringe
by bluelemonade May 4, 2021
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Refers to speech or behavior characterized by a banal, affectless disregard for the violation of proper taste and/or societal norms, generally driven by a belief that the traditional social order has been irreparably disrupted and thus certain actions that were once considered cringeworthy have become commonplace.
Derived from the literary genre pioneered by Chandler Morrison, which often involves characters who partake in reprehensible actions that are described with a flat tone of nonchalance, and that furthermore fail to elicit appropriate reactions from other characters present in the scene being depicted.
How was the dinner party?

Ugh, it was so post-cringe. There was this guy who was wearing white after Labor Day and talking about all of the people he's killed with a hatchet, but no one even batted an eye.
by extremelyonline91 December 3, 2019
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cringe culture is people making fun of others, simply for their preferences. i want to let all of you twits know that cringe culture IS dead, and you shouldnt be making fun of people who are just doing what they enjoy doing <3 people usually hate on people who do gacha, or are furries. you use "uwu" or "owo"? thats honestly so adorable. you do gacha? id love to draw one of your characters. youre a furry? i admire your work and the effort you put into making that suit. you guys are idiots for making fun of people for what they love.
ben: ew, you do gacha?
laura: yeah, what about it?
ben: gacha's gay
laura: using "gay" as an insult is stupid and TERRIBLY offensive to the LGBTQ+ community, first of all. second of all, darling, i can do whatever the absolute fuck i want :), and third of all, cringe culture died while ago. so move your donkey ass along, and go bitch about something else, okay? bye love <3
by toekage August 15, 2020
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When someone or something disgusts you that much it makes your minge cringe.
Boy: “Send nudes
Girl: “Ew you fucking minge cringe
by Kirsty may November 19, 2019
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The sensation you get when you need to shit, any you feel your bowls trying to push out the turd while your anus tries to hold it bac.
" I hope there is a bathroom near by. I am feeling the poop cringes ."
by Matyno_ May 15, 2016
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A situation in which every outcome is cringe
Person 1- What do I even say to someone offering me a crisp over facetime
Person 2- Sounds like a Cringe-22 to me
by Godlybubble309 March 28, 2020
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