Thing to call a fag to him feel like SHIT, means he's a white boi that be gay
by Guy with Thot Tots January 25, 2019
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A good phrase for making fun of someone
Dude you're such a fag bag.
by id_not_here_ December 5, 2014
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A gay mans girl best friend who always lets them put their stuff in their handbag
Hey fag bag I need my shit out of your handbag
by CurvyQueen17 January 23, 2020
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A "word" commonly used by homophobes to degrade homosexuals.
Person one: "Shut up fag bag!" Person 2: "No, lol"
by Littlefeetlol June 13, 2023
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a brown paper sandwich bag wiht feces, vomit, cum and piss inside, preferably shaken up and then used to brutally beat and subsequently kill a person.
by 1234abduljahesh1234 February 16, 2021
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An insult when someone is a fag and also a douche bag
Sterling: *pushes* James
James: Ayo stop being a "fag bag"
by downygang September 27, 2023
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People who in an MMO recite in-game statistics to support their comments on an out of game forum thread;

or people who use their in-game statistics to measure their epeen and in some cases their out of game abilities.
Douche McNoobin says, "T2 drones have about 32% more damage compared to T1's at maxed racial spec FYI. If you can afford it here's a good use."

Usuck says, "you're such a stat fag"


Dude, your combat record sucks balls. Biomass yourself irl please.
by usuck2 March 4, 2012
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