A term for:
Someone with Saggy Titties made of fat, beyond anything good.
Someone with an ass made of only fat, beyond anything good.
Generally acts like a hoe and pretends every guy wants her.
Person 1: yo that Gina girl is such a Potato Sack!
Person 2: yeah bro she is so nasty, it’s just gross.
by h@llo April 20, 2019
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a person who has lost all or part of both legs and both arms aka a quadruple amputee
Boiii you still gonna hit that? She's a potato sack
by dictionaryDude7896 January 28, 2020
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beats peepee to shining really is a faggot and no one in the homie group likes him
Damn quit being such an Potato Churner!
by Potato Churner May 22, 2018
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A disease where your head looks like a potato
Boy 1: Joseph’s head looks like a potato. Boy 2: He probably has potato-idis.
by HiBlakkes February 20, 2019
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Someone who plays with their smartphone or other touchscreen (game player) and does not get much exercise.
My friends are always taking selfies, googling and becoming touch potatoes planted in fast food restaurant tables.
by glenglish May 19, 2017
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