A school where everyone vapes except me im a child of god. A school where teachers give 0 fucks and where the dress code is "enforced". we think were ghetto but were just the ghetto-ist charter school. Our principle looks like a Who from Whoville and tries to act cool. He also just parks wherever the fuck he wants to. Mr. herbert yelled at me for wearing leggings. Im depressed bc of this place and i really hate it. But only 3 more years.
" you go to mics?"

" yeah."
" im sorry"
by hitortracer December 2, 2018
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The act of taking a dump in a condom and then freezing it, then when frozen use as a home made dildo.
(Women) "Hey is that Icey Mic ready yet?"

(Man) "Yeh want me to fetch it and we can try it?"
by Phil Mechrachin September 3, 2013
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its when you buy a budget mic and youR not happy about it
by Table 278 YT January 28, 2023
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RA-MIC it’s bringing the peoples lawsuit
RA-MIC has some serious time travel to do.

RA-MIC should be mad at herself
by The One. (dah) July 3, 2022
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When you and your boys are banging it out but oral sex is off the table.
Tim and Eric were on without mics last night because it is only gay if you make eye contact.
by TimCheese February 17, 2021
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One of those kids who always shits around in voice chat but doesn't own/use a microphone, often to the detriment of everyone involved.
xXl33tslayer42Xx: "Bro, we lost cause mommy and daddy wont get no mic kid a headset."
(Text chat) nomic43: "it broke i frickign swear!1"
by Fruitsz November 21, 2022
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