The game you see under a family guy clip on youtube shorts.
Valorant gamer 1: Do you know Subway surfers?
Valorant gamer 2: UMM acTuAlLy I dO.
by The 2nd Right one July 7, 2023
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a game that bryadon and logan are obsessed with
"hey braydon, my high score has diamond" subway surfers
by ilovelogan78 April 14, 2022
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An event that occurs when you go to subway to grab you and your girl a foot-long, take it to your/her place. 5 minutes into subway and chill is when sexual behavior begins to occur.
bf: "hey girl, I just bought us a sub, wanna eat some subway and chill?"
gf: "ok, I'll get my clothes off"
bf: "why"
gf: "what do you mean why? You bought me a sub so we fuck now."
by Subway and Chill September 2, 2015
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a subway sandwich is a discord guy whose oc is an emo and he makes everything sound sus all day like a little boy
A: You know that guy over there? what was his name, Mike?
B: Yeah, he’s such a Subway Sandwich.
by puromu May 18, 2022
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When you see a very sunburnt old lady walking on the street wearing a subway shirt. The old lady will look extremely red and she will be walking extremely slow, most likely needing to use a cane.
"Did you see that roasted subway walking by the Whole Foods? I thought she was going to die at any moment"
by byebye7348378 August 23, 2022
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A random outburst of crying for no real reason.
Person 1: What's wrong?
Person 2: Nothing, just some subway-style crying.
by Rin-dog March 20, 2011
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