when you eat a fuck ton of barbeque and shit it out into your african american girlfriends mouth and she shits it out into a bag of candy corn and gives it to the trick or treaters
i gave those kids the bag of classic Missouri candy corn last Halloween

i was trick or treating and victoria quilez gave grace martin the missouri candy corn and i knew not to go to that house this Halloween
by grxcemxrtin March 22, 2020
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Anheuser-Busch beer. Known as piss water by most Wisconsinites. Typically consumed by men in the middle of a divorce or males 17-25 years of age at a social event held in the woods.
Hey man, i know your bummed about your divorce but lets go to a bonfire and drink some Missouri piss water and touch eachother.
by Bigtappel22 April 7, 2018
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Clever missouri: A hick filled town where you go to...clear your thots.
Carl: Stan just went to clever to clear his thots. Sure hope he is vaccinated!

Joe: yeah those thots out there are definitely infected!
Clever Missouri place full of bad thots
by Eatme2 May 16, 2020
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it involves 2 men and 1 orphan girl the guy is sitting there fucking the girl and the other slides in to the dm‘s and and propels homies dick with the power of a 1000 cannons into the orphan throat and when the dude fucking the orphan nuts the semen is propelled out of the orphans ass and that is the missouri jack hammer
did you hear about that dude robert do the missouri jack hammer on his cousin his cousin was sore for weeks
by oh s d kill January 22, 2020
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So you know how there’s a place called the bottom of the barrel? Well this is the place when the barrel is empty and dry and they decide to squeeze the barrel one last time in an attempt to milk the barrel dry. There’s noone from there and Noone wants to be there. It truly is the Most beautiful place you’ll ever live.
How’d you learn to be good at everything you do?

Oh, well I went to Southeast Missouri state university.
It’s down in Southeast Missouri.
by Riehnbean m January 13, 2022
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Like alabama windchimes, except you use mormons.
Mark-Hey Dave, i like your Missouri windchimes over there
Dave-Thanks Mark, I made them last week
by Kill the mormons June 10, 2018
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