when somebody talking out of their ass just wont shut up.
Millenial: Im not religious but im hella spiritual. u should come in the mountains and live like me this summer. I practice forest bathing, im vegan, i do yoga, i practice good karma......
Me interupting: stfu gey boiiiiiiiiiii. u got a cup of knowledge and a gallon of words. the concept of spirits come from the fact that our existence transcends this world. u cannot believe in a spirits without believing in some sort of divine entity.
by Prill. April 26, 2019
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(verb) to flip somebody off while saying "absorb the knowledge." Usually said when you disagree with someone or want them to know you're not interested in what they're saying.
Person 1: "hey man can give you give me a ride home?"

Person 2: "how about you absorb the knowledge."

"She knocked on my door asking to get back together. I told her to absorb the knowledge."

"I wish I could tell my boss to absorb the knowledge."
by highschool45 May 14, 2023
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Energy-knowledge plateau: (noun) The point at which energy-knowledge acceleration has reached its limit, and it is no longer possible to find a more efficient energy source that can improve the rate of knowledge acquisition. It emphasizes the idea that the rate of knowledge acquisition has leveled off or reached a maximum point, and that further improvements in energy efficiency will not lead to significant increases in the rate of knowledge acquisition.
The energy-knowledge plateau was reached when no more energy source was found to be more efficient than the current one, limiting the rate of knowledge acquisition and stalling further research.
by Phieyl January 21, 2023
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Something I have...
Billy: hey look at this meme it's so funny
Bob: what is a meme
Billy: wow bob doesn't have meme knowledge
by Ilostfaithinhumanity November 11, 2022
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The way my teacher describs my groups know how base.
Ms.H said to research our topic and put it in to the big think tank of knowledge.
by chuckrocks October 5, 2009
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An expression when someone is so incredibly smart, intelligent, intellectual, and savvy, they simply begin shitting knowledge (on others) literally, figuratively, and metaphorically.
I am going to be shitting knowledge all day today.

Stop shitting knowledge on me. I feel so inadequate and dumb.

Help me get on your level of shitting knowledge, please.
by LingDanc803 October 11, 2023
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Knowledgity - someone or something that actively pursues greater knowledge with humility and compassion. The cycle repeats with the sharing of information indiscriminately to others who also give and receive with humility. The wealth of knowledge is never to be stored. Its true purpose is to be a part of making the world slightly better every time.

The words origins come from an amalgamation of 2 words , liquidity and knowledge.
Thank you for sharing your knowledgity.
by BillyDickens May 25, 2022
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