Deja Vu is the song of emotional manipulation and of false dreams and hopes. It is the song you listen to know that SM toys with your feelings about 7Dream in order to make as much money off of you as they can.
nctzen 1: "Yo I was just listening to Deja Vu and thinking of a 7dream full album"
nctzen 2: "how emotionally unstable are you right now?"
nctzen 1: "i want to tear apart sm with nothing but my bare hands"
by doyoungsbitxh December 18, 2020
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A déjà vu is usually a glitch in the Matrix.

It happens when T H E Y change something.
"Whoa, déjà vu."
by Mar E. Surr. July 29, 2022
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When someone types "bus" wrong and types "vus" instead, and i think thats pretty funny
by PPScratcher69 September 29, 2019
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Movieja Vu is the hallucinogenic effect where a smoker believes that he has seen a movie before but its unknown whether he really has seen it or not, cuz of course, through every movie he watches, he is high af.
dude 1: Let's watch this flick yo.
dude2: aigh
10 mins...
dude2: hold up dude! I've seen this one before!
dude1: aha naah man, you just havin' a Movieja Vu!

dude2: I could have it even if I'd seen it!
dude1: that's the trick of it, my man. Let's watch it then!))
by tripster333 October 5, 2015
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the realization of an unbelieved or unlikely event occurring precisely as previously described by a father.
After leaving all of the lights on constantly, the new home owners had dadjà vu when they received the outrageous utility bill.
by Soupyluke15 March 27, 2023
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The feeling that you have already sat in the same seat at a concert or event.
"I'm feeling ticket vu, Are you sure we haven't sat in these seats before?
by TheGeek11 December 22, 2009
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