the hot hot hot hot person, the white white white person. in simpler terms, the hottest person alive!!!!!!
i love casey munson with all of my heart.
by a person who loves her February 4, 2005
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1. a guy I know.

2. weares a black sweater.
casey lewis is a guy I know that wears a black sweater.
by d w January 19, 2005
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Person: Hey you would be great boyfriend material
Casey Fowler: I know, it says it in urban dictionary so it must be true
by Deeznuts9292 December 20, 2016
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The most beautiful and gorgeous person to ever live , is sometimes annoying but the most heartwarming and mysterious person you’ll ever come across in your life
Is that Casey-lee woah you’re one lucky guy
by Ron4 November 23, 2021
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The stinkiest smell you will ever smell. Coopy is the goop you see in a dipper that makes an individual pass out. You never want to smell this smell. Casey is the name and coopy always comes with them.
Ewww did you smell that coopy Casey
by Emmastinky May 3, 2020
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Huge simp bitch. Will go above and beyond for girls especially for ones who do not want him. Micropenis.
Friend: Hey wanna hang out?
Casey Johnson: Can’t. I have plans to be a huge simp bitch tonight.
by Cockzilla69420 October 3, 2020
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