Back stabbing Whore who cares abt herself and only her. She pisses everyone off and doesn’t know how to treat her little sister. fuck her
Begin with Alexandra is hell
by SecretAdmier April 3, 2023
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Alexandra - Alexandra is a powerful yet retarded woman, often driven by multiple personas. Her inability to consistently portray emotions and feelings occasionally leads to misconceptions when interacting with her, yet you’re still driven to try due to her incomprehensible hotness. Alexandra is also often compared to a drug, her precious energy (along with her perky pawg bunda) leaves you wanting.. no, needing more.
Oh shit, it’s the eejit pawg bundalengers Alexandra!
by Alsonian November 22, 2021
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If you have an Alexandra in your life, you are extremely lucky. She usually has brown hair and blue eyes. She will be pretty sassy towards people in her bad books, just let me warn you, but she is very kind to her friends and I wouldn't leave her for the world. She is very smart, usually studying a lot, but playing with her friends a lot too. If you ask her how she has the time, you probably won't get an answer, she'll say something like: 'I just have time, is that seriously a problem?' She is also crazy and comes up with strange ideas. Don't judge her though, it's probably an Alexandra thing.
Person 1: My new best friend is Alexandra1
by NEPTUNEVIBES44 May 22, 2021
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A feminine form of Alexander and the worst person you can meet. She may seem nice at frist, but she's actually satan. If you get her as teacher, your grades will drop faster than you can look. She will embarrass you infront of everyone and will have fun while doing that. She will also often tell you "Do it faster/ Mach mal schnell". Defintion of mean.
You dont want to meet her, trust me.
Alexandra is being defined as satan and I really dont want to go to her, she always makes me cry, that ms. Pfeil.. T___T
by Charlotteeeee1 July 11, 2017
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