The most beautiful girl in the world. If you treat her right she will treat you right. She loves animals and her pets if she has them.The only problem with her is that she doesn’t know how beautiful she is.
Guy1: hey I’m with rowan
Guy2: omg you are so lucky how did your ugly a** get her
by Rifleman55 January 22, 2021
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A girl who is beautiful inside and out and always focus on what they have to do. They will support and love you through thick and thin .They are loyal and don’t let people break them down and they stand up for them selves.they are sweet kind and caring to you in all the perfect times
Rowan is the best
by Urbans September 28, 2019
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rowan is a person that likes way too many people. why? they dont know either
"Hey did you see that guy playing enstars?"
"Yeah they're probably named Rowan"
by muahahahhahahhahahahahaha October 25, 2022
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a hottie shawty with alllllll the rizz and the most sexiest person alive
person: hi your soooooo hot
Rowan: yeah i know, im so hot because my name has viking ancestry
by Lord of Smurfs March 29, 2023
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anything close to something that is disappointing will be over-exaggerated in depressing, and sometimes sickening ways.
-Lyfe is soahh degrahhding
-Your voice mahhks meh want to to stomp a baybeh
wow what a Rowan Chalkey
by Harold Jefferson February 22, 2011
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